
京都大学の牧准教授らによる研究成果がIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research誌に掲載されました

− インクジェット混合システムを用いた粒子の合成 −

国立大学法人京都大学 の 准教授 牧 泰輔氏らは、インクジェットヘッド2本を用いて液滴を混合するシステムにより、液滴の衝突速度、衝撃パラメータ、および溶液濃度が合成される複合ポリマーナノ粒子の形態制御に及ぼす影響を明らかにし、ヤヌスナノ粒子の合成に成功しました。

Complex polymer nanoparticles were synthesized via a one-step antisolvent precipitation method using an inkjet mixing system. The effect of collision speed, impact parameter, and solution concentration on the product profiles was investigated. Taking advantage of the rapid mixing capability of an inkjet mixing system, the balance of the diffusion and stabilization rate was discussed, and the mechanism of morphology change in complex polymer nanoparticles was suggested. According to the suggested mechanism, it was demonstrated that the morphology was controllable by changing the mixing ratio of solvents and anti-solvents under rapid mixing. It was also demonstrated that the morphology and particle size of the complex polymer nanoparticles were controllable by changing the collision rate, impact parameter, and solution concentration, and Janus polymer nanoparticles were successfully synthesized with dav = 300 nm and CV = 0.2.

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この研究成果は、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 誌に掲載されています。

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 誌掲載論文

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 誌論文ページ


タイトル Complex Polymer Nanoparticle Synthesis and Morphology Control Using an Inkjet Mixing System
掲載誌 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
著者 Taisuke Maki*, Yosuke Muranaka, Saki Takeda, Kazuhiro Mae

Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
掲載⽇ 2023年1月5日
DOI 10.1021/acs.iecr.2c03767